Apologies for cross-posting

We would like to announce the following statistics course in Palm Cove, Australia.

Course:  Introduction to zero inflated models with R
Location: Palm Cove, Australia
Date:       17-21 August 2015
Price:       550 GBP
Course website: http://www.highstat.com/statscourse.htm
Course flyer: http://www.highstat.com/Courses/Flyers/Flyer2015_08PalmCoveII.pdf

Zero inflated GLM (ZIP, ZINB, ZAP, ZANB). Zero inflated GLMMs with random effects. Bayesian statistics, MCMC and JAGS. lme4, glmmADMB, JAGS. Overdispersion and solutions. Poisson, negative binomial,
gamma, lognormal and binomial distributions. Count data. Continuous data.

Kind regards,

Alain Zuur

Dr. Alain F. Zuur

First author of:
1. Beginner's Guide to GAMM with R (2014).
2. Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R (2013).
3. Beginner's Guide to GAM with R (2012).
4. Zero Inflated Models and GLMM with R (2012).
5. A Beginner's Guide to R (2009).
6. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R (2009).
7. Analysing Ecological Data (2007).

Highland Statistics Ltd.
9 St Clair Wynd
UK - AB41 6DZ Newburgh
Tel:   0044 1358 788177
Email: highs...@highstat.com
URL:   www.highstat.com

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