Good afternoon, A quick data management question for the ECOLOG-L community--are there pre-packaged, "off-the-shelf" software modules designed to house and manage diverse sets of ecological data?
We have looked, but so far have not come up with anything that fits the bill. The database solution would ideally permit relational queries of the data, incorporate import and export functions, and be flexible to accommodate data from a variety of study designs and methods. We would be interested in differentiated front-end, back-end, and/or integrated products fitting these parameters. Over the span of several years, the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan<> program has collected large datasets in support of Biological Monitoring, Water Quality Monitoring, and Applied Research programs. We are now investigating acquiring or developing a database solution to store and manage all of this data, hence the present inquiry. Any recommendations or advice in this regard that the ECOLOG-L community members could provide would be most appreciated. Best, Daniel A. Large HCP Coordinator 210-547-2206<>