Here's your chance to win cash and prizes for photos of your research. Enter 
the Faces of Biology Photo Contest, sponsored by the American Institute of 
Biological Sciences (AIBS). 

The contest is an opportunity to showcase the varied forms that biological 
research can take. Photographs entered into the contest must depict a person, 
such as a scientist, researcher, technician, or student, engaging in biological 
research. The depicted research may occur outside, in a lab, with a natural 
history collection, on a computer, in a classroom, or elsewhere. 

The Grand Prize Winner will have his/her winning photo featured on the cover of 
the journal BioScience, and will receive $250 and a one year membership in 
AIBS, including a print subscription to BioScience. 

The contest ends on September 30, 2011 . 

For more information and to enter the contest, visit 

Julie Palakovich Carr 
Senior Public Policy Associate 
American Institute of Biological Sciences 
1444 I Street, NW Suite 200 
Washington, DC 20005 

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