Doctoral Research Assistant -Wolf Population Expansion in Michigan

Description: The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State 
University invites applications for the position of Doctoral Research 
Assistant. The intent of this position is to investigate the impacts of 
emerging populations of wolves on population dynamics of deer and elk, and 
associated influences on local and regional economies in the northern portion 
of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. The project will focus on landscape ecology 
and the interaction of natural and human communities. The project has four 
years of financial support.

Background: Wolves colonized the western portion of Michigan's Upper Peninsula 
in 1989 from Wisconsin and expanded to occupy nearly all of the Upper 
Peninsula. In 2015, wolves were documented in the northern portion of 
Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Continued expansion of wolf populations and 
specific areas of colonization will be dependent on human tolerance and prey 
abundance. As wolves expand south, they will encounter more people, larger 
densities of deer, and a population of elk. Consequently, our investigations 
are intended to: (1) forecast wolf population expansion, (2) estimate their 
potential impacts on the population dynamics of deer and elk, and (3) evaluate 
the interaction of wildlife and humans on scales ranging from local communities 
to regional landscapes.

Program Support: Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 
is one of the largest programs of its kind with 45 core faculty 
(<>).  It hosts the Boone and Crockett 
Quantitative Wildlife Center, whose mission is to promote wildlife conservation 
by applying mathematics, statistics, and computer modeling 

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Master's Degree in wildlife ecology or a 
related field, demonstrated strong quantitative abilities, and excellent 
communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a background 
in population dynamics, modeling, or landscape ecology, and experience working 
with government conservation agencies.

Salary and Start Date: $22,000, tuition and health benefits. Expected start 
date is August 16, 2017.

Applications: For more information about the position, contact Dr. William 
Porter (<>). Submit applications to the 
Departmental Research Administrator, Dr. Rose Stewart 
(<>), with the subject line "Wolf PhD".  
A single PDF file should be submitted, including:  a letter of intent, CV, 
copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, GRE scores, and a list of 
three references. Review of applications will begin March 15, 2017 and continue 
until the position is filled.

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