Hello all -

I'm happy to announce the call
<http://esipfed.org/get-involved/student-opportunities#current> for the
2019 class of ESIP Community Fellows.

Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Community Fellows are graduate
students and postdoctoral researchers interested in bridging the gap
between informatics and Earth science. This fellowship provides a chance to
work closely with professionals in an interdisciplinary, cross-sector group
on current Earth Science technology challenges.

Fellows serve a year-term starting from December 2018 - December 2019 and
receive a $2000 stipend and paid travel to our Winter and Summer Meetings

For more information, please visit our Student Opportunities page

Annie Burgess, PhD

ESIP Lab Director |Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

www http://esipfed.org | phone 585.738.7549

*Sign up for the monthly ESIP Lab update here <http://eepurl.com/dtKL8z>.*

*See the most recent update here

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