Please find below the Spring 2010 call for papers for Sustainable Development 
Law & Policy.  Our initial submission deadline of March 31 has passed, but we 
are still in need of a few articles and would be happy to discuss a timeline 
that works for you.

Thank you,

Addie Haughey and Blake M. Mensing



Call for Papers
Topic: Sustainable Pathways Toward Biodiversity Preservation

Sustainable Development Law and Policy ("SDLP") is currently accepting 
submissions for its Spring 2010 issue, which will focus on the current state of 
biodiversity preservation in domestic and international law and policy. If you 
would like to submit an article for consideration, please send your paper or a 
summary of your topic to ASAP. The priority deadline for 
submission of final papers will be March 31, 2010.

SDLP's "Biodiversity Preservation" issue hopes to provide a forum for 
practitioners to discuss the legal, social, and political realities of 
advocating for biodiversity conservation in and outside of the courtroom. We 
are hoping to receive papers on issues such as, but not limited to:

* Recent developments in biodiversity conservation laws (domestic or 
* Suits under the Endangered Species Act
* Convention on Biological Diversity or the Convention on International Trade 
in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, or other treaties
* Ecosystems with high levels of biodiversity and low levels of legal protection
* The intersection of human needs, such as for food and water, on the world's 
* How climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts could help protect or 
harm the world's biodiversity
* The nexus between deforestation and biodiversity loss
* Biodiversity loss and the loss of possible medicinal applications
* and more . . .

SDLP aims to represent a range of viewpoints, including those from academia, 
the private sector, public sector, multilateral organizations, and others. 
Please view our recent issues at

Requirements for Submissions:

* Articles or abstracts should be submitted to
* Articles must be no longer than 15 pages (double spaced, 12 point font, Times 
New Roman print).
* Articles should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a 
Word-compatible software program.
* All articles should include an introduction and a conclusion. Please refer to 
recent issues for examples.
* Please provide complete citations to every fact, opinion, statement, and 
quote that is not your original idea. Complete citations include: the name and 
author of the cited document, title of publication or publisher, date of 
publication, relevant page numbers, and specific website address.
* We encourage the submission of photographs and graphics to accompany your 
article. Please send proof of permission to use others' images.
* Please include a 3-4 sentence biography of yourself.

We reserve the right to reject submissions and hold all submissions on file for 
later publication. We also reserve the right to revise your submission and/or 
cut text. You will have the opportunity to accept or reject any revisions. SDLP 
accepts submission of timely articles that have already been published 
elsewhere, so long as permission of the previous publisher is received.

SDLP is available online at LexisNexis, Westlaw, VLex and Hein Online and is 
widely distributed throughout the Washington, DC community, law and graduate 
schools, and to representatives of international organizations worldwide. PDF 
versions of recent SDLP issues are available on our website.

Sustainable Development Law & Policy
American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Ave., NW | Suite 631 | Washington, D.C. 20016
T: 202/274-4057 | E:
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