The Forest Landscape Ecology lab at University of Wisconsin-Madison invites
applications for a Field Crew Leader to collect data for an ongoing forest
ecosystem study evaluating how coarse woody debris, canopy gaps, and
herbivory influence the long-term productivity, biodiversity and carbon and
nutrient cycling of a mature northern hardwood forest. The study site is in
the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in Rusk Co., WI, along the
Flambeau River. Outdoor recreation opportunities abound.  

Field responsibilities include plant community sampling, including ID of
approximately 200 species of vascular plants, including herbs, grasses,
sedges, and trees; forest structure measurements; soil and wood respiration;
and maintaining deer exclosures and continuous micrometeorological stations.
Other responsibilities include crew supervision, logistical planning, and
data management.  

Duration:  Field sampling will begin in early May and extend into September.
Opportunity for additional lab-based work may be available in Madison before
and after the field season. Housing and daily travel to the research site
are provided.  Wage is commensurate with experience. 

Qualifications:  Experience in field ecology is required and a background in
ecology, botany, forestry, or a related field is preferred. Must be able to
identify plants of northern hardwood forests; to work well in a group and
independently under typical field conditions (inclement weather, mosquitoes,
long days, etc.); to carefully follow and teach protocols; and to live
amicably with crew in field housing.  

To apply:  please send a current resume, contact information for 3
references, and cover letter via email indicating your education, experience
and interests to Jodi Forrester (


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