Multiple field technician positions are available to work within a
large-scale experiment on restoration of plant and animal communities in
fragmented habitats. Research will include studies of the effects of
corridors on various aspects of plant and arthropod dispersal. Tasks will
include study site preservation, building, establishment, emptying, and
maintenance of traps, and seed / arthropod identification. Opportunities for
independent research projects exist for qualified individuals.
Technicians will join a team of several principal investigators (Joshua
Tewksbury - University of Washington, Lars Brudvig - Michigan State, Tomas
Carlo - Penn State, Ellen Damschen and John Orrock - U. Wisconsin - Madison,
Nick Haddad – North Carolina State U., Doug Levey - University of Florida),
postdoc John Herrmann, and several undergraduate and graduate students, and
be provided exposure to numerous research questions and approaches.
Positions will begin as early as May 2012, and will last for a
minimum of three months; however, possibilities for extension exist and
applicants are encouraged to indicate dates of availability in their
application letter. Pay rate will be $10.00/hr. Successful candidates
will hold or be working towards a bachelor’s degree in ecology, biology, or
a related discipline and must be able to endure hot and humid conditions and
long hours in the field. Previous field research experience is desirable.
Because the Savannah River Site is a highly secure area run by the U.S.
Department of Energy, non-United States citizens may have difficulty gaining
clearance to work there.

Additional information about the project is available on the web at:

To apply, please email a CV or resume and letter describing past
experience, why this position is interesting or important to you, dates of
availability, and contact information with email addresses for two
references to John Herrmann: Women and
minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Review of applicants will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled.

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