Outreach Notice
Ecologist GS-0408/09
                       Salary range $36,822--$58,557

The USDA Forest Service will soon be advertising and accepting applicants
for a permanent, full-time, ecologist position.  This is a pre-announcement
to determine interest in this position, your response will not be
considered a commitment nor an application.

USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
Research Work Unit NRS-6, Climate, Fire, and Carbon Cycle Sciences.
Houghton, Michigan, USA.

The Lab is located on the campus of  Michigan Technological University-
adjacent to the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.

Visit:  http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/units/ho/   for information on the Unit.
      http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/ for information on the Northern Research
      http://www.cityofhoughton.com/  for information about Houghton,

Job description:

The incumbent will provide technical support for Unit research with an
emphasis in the area of soil ecology and ecosystem processes. Support will
include assistance with laboratory, mesocosm, rhizotron and field studies.
Our unit’s primary emphasis is on understanding, mitigating and adapting to
global change. Studies involve a diverse array of topics, including
research on interactions of belowground processes with invasive soil
organisms, changing atmospheric chemistry, and changing climate.  The
incumbent would support research on the processes that control the storage
and turnover of carbon in forest soils as well as the feedbacks between
soil microbial (bacterial and fungal) community structure/function and
environmental change agents.

Applicants should have strong laboratory and field experience and skills,
and an interest in working both indoors and outdoors. She or he should be
capable, with minimal training, of performing:, soil biological, physical
and chemical sampling; lab analyses; data management; and statistical
analysis. Field sampling would include a broad array of activities such as
basic ecosystem aboveground measurements, soil respiration studies, soil
sampling, minirhizotron image capture, macroinvertebrate sampling, soil
moisture sampling using TDR, soil water sampling using lysimeters, and
datalogger management.  Activities would include sample collection and prep
as well as a variety of assays. Laboratory activities include but are not
limited to DNA-based identification methods such as DNA extraction, PCR,
gel electrophoresis, RFLP, TRFLP and sequencing; sterile culture
techniques; identification of soil macroinvertebrates; soil particle size
and root system image analysis; PLFA analysis; C/N analysis preparation;
and gas chromatography.

A major responsibility of the incumbent would be the day-to-day maintenance
of our new Rhizotron and Mesocosm facilities. The Rhizotron is a walk-in
tunnel with 24 vertical windows into the soil in which observation,
monitoring, and manipulative experiments take place. The Mesocosm is a
facility with large instrumented containers used in controlled experiments
designed to understand ecosystem response to changes such as warming or
invasive soil organisms.  The incumbent would be responsible for managing
the facility environmental conditions, data collection and management,
sample processing, and coordination of space use in the context of these

The ability to manage and reduce large quantities of environmental and
biological data is essential to the successful fulfillment of duties. In
addition, the incumbent should have a good foundation in statistical
analysis methods. The successful candidate will have strong organizational
and communication (both written and oral) skills, have the ability to take
directions, work as part of a team, be able to work with minimal
supervision, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Motivated candidates
will have opportunities to present and publish research results under the
supervision of a senior scientist.

For more information, or to express interest in the position and be
when the position is advertised, contact:
Erik Lilleskov, Research Ecologist
USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
410 MacInnes Drive
Houghton, MI  49931
 ph.: 906-482-6303 X22;  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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