The NPS Benefits-Sharing Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has
been completed.  The EIS can be found at the National Park Service’s
Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website at   Select "Washington Office" from the park
menu and then click on the link for benefits-sharing.  The Final EIS is
also available on CD or in hard copy by writing to the Benefits Sharing EIS
Team, Yellowstone Center for Resources, P.O. Box 168, Yellowstone National
Park, Wyoming 82190.

For more information, visit the Benefits-Sharing EIS website

Gerry Gaumer 202 208-6843
Al Nash 307 344-2010


National Park Service Releases Final Environmental Impact Statement On

The National Park Service (NPS) is proposing to implement benefits-sharing
agreements with scientists who conduct research in National Park System
units.  Such agreements could return benefits to the park and the public if
the research results lead to the development of commercially valuable
materials. The proposed changes are outlined in a Benefits Sharing Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which has just been completed and
released to the public.

The preferred alternative in the Final EIS does not change the existing
strict research permit process.   Regulations would continue to prohibit
issuing permits for activities that would adversely affect, impact, or
damage public health and safety, visitor use activities, proper use of NPS
facilities, scientific research, environmental or scenic values, or a
park’s natural or cultural resources.  They would continue to prohibit the
commercial use or sale of park specimens and prohibit damage to or
consumptive use of park resources.

Under the preferred alternative, a benefits-sharing agreement may be
negotiated with researchers who wish to commercialize their research
results.   The permit process would remain separate from any
benefits-sharing negotiations.    Prior to the development of any
agreements, a prospective permittee must meet all the regulatory
requirements for obtaining a research permit; the park unit must comply
with all resource protection requirements; and a permit must be issued.
Typically, negotiations would not occur until after research has already
been conducted.

The proposed changes are not about commercializing the parks, but are about
the public receiving some benefit from commercial projects that result from
analysis of samples collected in national parks.

The best known example of a viable commercial product arising from research
results related to the study of biological material originating in national
parks was the invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process.
The PCR process, which facilitates the widespread use of DNA analyses,
often uses an enzyme isolated from the Thermus aquaticus bacteria collected
in Yellowstone National Park.

The NPS has identified four types of non-monetary benefits that could occur
under some or all benefits-sharing agreements:  knowledge and research
relationships, training and education, research-related equipment, and
special services such as laboratory analysis.  All benefits received under
any type of benefits-sharing agreement would be dedicated to the
conservation of resources protected and managed by the National Park

Currently, an average of more than 200 national parks annually host
independent research efforts, authorized under permits generated under
current policies and procedures.  Only a small portion of NPS research
permittees are expected to be affected by benefits-sharing.

The analysis and recommendations contained in the Final EIS will be
reviewed by the Director of the National Park Service.  The Director will
make the final decision and can choose the preferred alternative or any
combination of management approaches addressed in the Final EIS.  The
Director is expected to issue the Record of Decision (ROD) in early 2010.

The Final EIS is available online at  by
selecting the “Washington Office”. It is also available on CD or in hard
copy by writing the Benefits Sharing FEIS Team, Yellowstone Center for
Resources, P.O. Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190.


Public Affairs Office
Yellowstone National Park, WY  82190
(307) 344-2013

David Cameron Duffy
Professor of Botany and Unit Leader
Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU)
University of Hawai`i
3190 Maile Way  St. John 410
Honolulu, HI  96822-2279
(808) 956-8218 phone
(808) 956-4710  fax   / (808) 956-3923 (backup fax)
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