GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITY in Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Ecology – 
Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences, University of Idaho

I am seeking one or two highly motivated MS- or PhD-level graduate students to 
begin in 
the summer or fall semester 2018.  The topic of research is flexible, but 
should fall into the 
broad theme of forest ecosystem restoration and ecology.  In general, I am 
looking for 
students with an interest in understanding the effects of disturbance on the 
structure and 
function of forest ecosystems, and how this knowledge can be applied to help 
manage and 
restore important ecosystem services.  Specific projects could include (but are 
not limited 
to) topics such as developing and refining forest stand development models, 
understanding linkages between riparian and upland forests, and fire effects on 
temporal and structural complexity in forest ecosystems.  

The positions are available Summer 2018 and can be either a master’s or 
appointment depending on interests and experience. Financial support may be a 
combination of teaching and research assistantships, and is available for no 
more than 
three years.  Applicants should have a strong work ethic and ability to work 
strong writing and quantitative capabilities, good plant identification skills, 
demonstrated leadership experience.  Applicants with expertise and backgrounds 
in forest 
ecology and silviculture preferred. 

The Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences and College of Natural 
( at the University of Idaho (UI) are home to an 
energetic and 
productive community of researchers with a strong commitment to student 
and success.  Located in Moscow, a classic small college town with great 
amenities, UI is 
Idaho’s premier research university and is surrounded by the beautiful forest 
and natural 
landscapes of the northern Rockies and Inland Northwest.  More information on 
Natural Resources Graduate Program in UI’s College of Natural Resources can be 
found at:
To apply, please send your CV and specific information explaining your 
background and relevant experiences by Dec. 15, 2017.  For more information, 
contact Dr. Charles Goebel at or 208-885-7311.

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