The Gibbs Lab group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has funding 
for two Graduate Research Assistants starting Fall 2016.  The students 
will help answer questions about soy and cattle industry expansion, 
tropical deforestation, and new approaches to forest conservation.

Specifically, the students will investigate the impact of supply chain 
governance efforts, including the Soy Moratorium and Zero-Deforestation 
Cattle Agreements, on tropical deforestation and agriculture as well as 
institutional changes along the value chain. The broader research 
project will involve a combination of GIS and statistical modeling, as 
well as field surveys of farmers and other key stakeholders.

Candidates with interest or expertise working in Brazil - especially  At 
least one student position will include opportunities to conduct 
fieldwork in rural Brazil.  A strong work ethic, excellent analytical 
skills, and the ability work both independently and with a team are 

Applicants  typically, graduate students in our research programs have 
undergraduate GPAs above 3.5, and GRE scores in the 80th percentile or 
higher.  The position is fully funded for one year and renewable upon 
satisfactory progress and funding availability; benefits include 
stipend, tuition remission and eligibility to participate in the Student 
Health Insurance Program.

GLUE is a vibrant and energetic research group, with strong experience 
working in Brazil.  Madison is widely recognized for its warm community, 
high quality of life, vibrant culture and arts scene, and easy access to 
natural areas.  Costs of living are moderate, and public transportation 
or bicycle paths are easy transportation options.

For more information:
Gibbs webpage:
Nelson Institute:
Department of Geography:

Candidates should submit a cover letter detailing qualifications and 
research interests, CV, and names of three references to Holly Gibbs 
(  Candidates should also submit an application to the 
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (due Jan 15, 2015) and / or 
the Department of Geography (due Dec 15, 2015). Finalists will be 
contacted by early January.

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