Graduate Opportunity for Research on Vegetation Dynamics and Geomorphology on 
Missouri River Sandbars

We are looking for a graduate student (PhD or MS) for a project evaluating 
vegetation/geomorphic dynamics of sandbar habitats - with possible implications 
for Piping Plover and early successional landbird habitat - formed after the 
Missouri River flood of 2011.  ?The project is being conducted along the 
Missouri National Recreational River in southeastern South Dakota and is funded 
by a grant from the National Park Service.  Up to two full academic years and 
three summers of RA support will be available, with additional support provided 
through Teaching Assistantships or graduate fellowships.  Project PIs are Mark 
Dixon (landscape ecologist / riparian plant ecologist in Biology), Mark Sweeney 
(sedimentologist, geomorphologist in Earth Sciences/Sustainability), and David 
Swanson (avian ecologist, ecophysiologist in Biology).

The student will enroll either in the graduate program in Biology 
( or the new (pending approval) 
graduate program in Sustainability 
( at the University of 
South Dakota ( and would likely be co-advised by Dixon and 
Sweeney.  Preferred start date is May/June 2018 (for field work) or earlier, 
with enrollment in the graduate program by Fall 2018 (August).

Interested applicants should email me 
(<>) with the following information:

·         A short letter of interest, describing your qualifications, research 
experiences, interests, and career goals.

·         CV or resume with GPA and GRE scores

·         A list of at least 3 professional references who we may contact

Feel free to contact either of us 
(<>,<>) if you have questions about 
the position, the project, or the university.  Both faculty are members of the 
Missouri River Institute ( at the 
University of South Dakota.


Mark Dixon

Associate Professor

Department of Biology

University of South Dakota

Vermillion, SD 57069

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