We are seeking a highly motivated doctoral student to join our Water 
Quality research group in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and 
Management, Department of Agronomy, and Department of Animal Science at 
Iowa State University, and the USDA-ARS National Laboratory for 
Agriculture and the Environment in Ames, IA.

Our research group focuses on integrating the fundamental principles in 
soil and water into watershed systems that lead to improved environmental 
quality, sustainability, and enhanced agricultural system efficiency. Our 
newly funded project will focus on processes controlling the source, 
movement, and release of soil phosphorus (P) in Midwestern streams from 
pasture and crop land.  Graduate research projects will be expected to 
support project objectives to quantify the annual flux of sediment-bound P 
from channel erosion; quantify annual flux of soluble P; determine how 
adsorption/desorption and precipitation/dissolution processes regulate P 
mobility; and estimate the net contributions of channel, groundwater, and 
overland flow sources of P loads.  

Research experience and strong writing skills are desired. Applicants must 
be highly motivated, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and be willing to 
work in demanding outdoor conditions. Successful candidates will receive a 
graduate student stipend, health insurance and full tuition scholarship 
for the duration of the program.

The application deadline for full consideration for competitively awarded 
fellowships, scholarships, and assistantships for the Fall 2014 term is 15 
January 2014.  Students can be admitted through the interdepartmental 
Graduate Program in Environmental Science 
(http://www.ensci.iastate.edu/grad/homepage.html), Sustainable Agriculture 
(http://www.sust.ag.iastate.edu/gpsa/), or Ecology and Evolutionary 
Biology (http://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/EEB/).  The departmental home 
will be in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management 

Co-investigators include:
Dr. Thomas Isenhart 
Dr. Richard Schultz 
Dr. Keith Schilling (keith.schill...@dnr.iowa.gov) 
Dr. John Kovar (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pandp/people/people.htm?
Dr. Mark Tomer (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pandp/people/people.htm?
Dr. Michael Thompson 
Dr. James Russell (http://www.ans.iastate.edu/faculty/index.php?

Interested individuals should contact Dr. Thomas Isenhart directly by 
email (isenh...@iastate.edu). Please include your CV, GRE scores, and a 
description of your research interests, experience, and goals. 

Reply via email to