University of Alabama: oil impact on biogeochemical cycling in near shore 
marine systems starting in 
Fall 2012.

Application deadline is March 15, 2012 (but exceptional candidates will be 
considered past this 
deadline).  We are seeking candidates in the Biogeochemistry Lab The successful 
applicant will work 
on elucidating spatial and temporal patterns in benthic nitrogen cycling in 
coastal waters impacted 
by the oil spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The initial work will focus on 
using membrane inlet 
mass spectrometry to determine rates of denitrification. The assistantship will 
include (1) a tuition 
waiver, (2) an annual stipend and (3) health insurance. For additional 
information, contact Dr. Behzad 
Mortazavi, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 
AL 35487, ph: 251-
861-2189.  Inquiry by emails can be sent to Application 
information and forms 
are available at

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