DOCTORAL (and/or MS) GRADUATE STUDENT position open in Mark Hester’s 
Coastal Plant Ecology Lab in the Department of Biology at the University 
of Louisiana at Lafayette. This program is seeking a graduate student to 
conduct research on the effects of climate warming on salt marsh 
belowground and community dynamics in areas where mangroves are 
currently expanding.  The research is a combination of large-scale 
controlled mesocosm experiments coupled with field experiments along the 
Florida Atlantic Coast from St. Augustine to the Keys.  Although a 
doctoral student is preferred, exceptional, well-qualified students 
interested in pursuing a Masters degree in Biology are also encouraged 
to apply.  The successful applicant must be enthusiastic and self-
motivated, have a strong interest in climate change and plant ecology, 
be a team player able to work well both independently and 
interdependently, display strong oral and written communication skills, 
and possess both the physical and mental attributes required to work 
under strenuous and often adverse conditions in the field.  Additional 
desirable skills include boat operation and a background in 
environmental effects on plant population and community dynamics, 
plant/soil sciences, plant physiological ecology and statistical 
ecology.  Competitive graduate research assistantship funding and 
tuition waivers are available.  Truly exceptional doctoral student 
applicants may also be considered for a University Doctoral Fellowship 
in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology.  For further information, 
please email Dr. Mark W. Hester, Department of Biology, University of 
Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA  70504 Type 
Grad Research Assistant Applicant in the Subject line and attach 
resume/CV, as well as GPA and GRE percentile score information with all 
inquiries, preferably by November 1, 2017 to receive full consideration 
for spring 2018 admission.

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