M.S. Opportunity in Plant Ecology - Texas State University

The research is located in the pine-juniper woodlands of New Mexico and 
will focus on the ecological consequences of the widespread pine mortality 
that has occurred in these ecosystems for over a decade. The student's 
responsibility will be to investigate tree recruitment in plots where adult 
tree mortality has been experimentally manipulated. This involves following 
the survivorship and growth of mapped tree seedlings. The student is also 
encouraged to lead or participate in a stable-isotope labelling experiment 
to examine the effects of vegetation manipulation on hydraulic 

The student will be enrolled in the Population and Conservation Biology 
master's program at Texas State University.

The successful candidate must have a background in plant science, be 
willing and able to do field work under physically challenging conditions 
and work well in teams. Prior experience in data collection, analysis and 
scientific writing are desirable. Minority students are especially 
encouraged to apply. If interested, please contact Dr. Susan Schwinning at 
schw...@txstate.edu and provide (1) a cover letter discussing research 
interests and relevant experience; (2) a resume or CV with three references 
and (3) unofficial transcripts.

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