Join the Campbell lab to study plant evolutionary ecology (start date May or September 2014)! Applications at both the MSc and PhD level are welcome.

Research in my lab addresses fundamental questions about population and/or eco-evolutionary dynamics, with an applied focus, typically via a combination of field experiments and quantitative reviews. Current and Recent work in my lab include the evolution and ecology of crop-wild hybridization, pollen movement through landscapes, the consequences of climate change for natural and agricultural populations, and plant-plant competition in urban farms.

For more on my lab and my research, see my homepage:

Ryerson University provides innovative, career-focused education, has doubled its funding and publication output between 2005 - 2010, and experienced the largest growth in research of an Ontario-based University in 2011.

The Dept. of Chemistry & Biology participates in two graduate programs (Environmental & Applied Science & Management and Molecular Science). The city of Toronto is Canada's most populous city and contains wonderful cultural diversity, a National Park, and lots of greenspace, with all of the opportunities for research and recreation that implies.

For more on my mentoring philosophy, and for links to information on the Ryerson University's various graduate program (including funding sources and the application process), go here:

Guaranteed funding is available for 2 years (MSc) or 3 years (PhD) through a combination of TAships, RAships, and other sources.

Interested students should contact me via email (lesley.g.campbell, and attach transcripts (unofficial is fine) and contact details for three references.

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