Graduate student assistantship: I am looking to recruit a graduate (MS) student 
to lead a study investigating nitrogen (N) fixation in inland northwest US 
forests. A preliminary study suggested that free-living N fixers may play an 
important role in the nutrient economy of coniferous forests, and I would like 
to work with a student to address this idea. However, I will also encourage the 
successful candidate to pursue their own questions under this broad umbrella. 
If you would like to apply, please email the following application materials 
(as one document) to Dr. Cory Cleveland at<>: 1) a current 
resume or CV, including GPA and test scores (if available); 2) a letter of 
interest, including research interests, professional goals and prior 
experience; and 3) contact information (including Email addresses) of three 
potential references. The position will remain open until a successful 
candidate has been identified. For information on the Ecosystem Ecology Lab at 
the University of Montana, please visit, and for more info on the W.A. Franke 
College of Forestry & Conservation, please visit:

About the area: Missoula, a city of ~ 60,000 people, is a great place to live 
and work. It is surrounded by the Bitterroot and Lolo National Forests, and the 
Missoula valley includes the Blackfoot, Bitterroot, and Clark Fork Rivers. It 
offers immediate access multiple wilderness areas and national parks. Students 
will also have access to the College’s Lubrecht Experimental Forest, the Bandy 
Experimental Ranch and the Flathead Lake Biological Station, among others, for 
regionally-focused research projects.

Sharing on behalf of:
Cory Cleveland
Department of Ecosystem & Conservation Sciences
Franke College of Forestry and Conservation
CHCB 423/32 Campus Drive
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812 USA
Tel: (406) 243-6018
Fax: (406) 243-6656

Nicole Zimmerman
Public Affairs Manager
Ecological Society of America

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