Subject: Graduate student opportunity in population biology and 
reproductive behavior of an insect herbivore at the University of Alaska 

The Doak and Wagner labs at the University of Alaska Fairbanks are 
accepting applications for a graduate position (MS) to study the 
population biology and mating behavior of the aspen leaf miner 
(Phyllocnistis populiella). Research focuses on the role of multiple 
mating on reproductive success and population growth in a widespread 
herbivore prone to population outbreaks of extended duration. 

Applicants should be strongly motivated to work on insect ecology in the 
Alaskan boreal forest, and have competitive GPA and GRE scores.  The 
preferred start date is late spring 2017.

If interested please send a letter of interest, CV, GRE scores and contact 
information for three references to Pat Doak, 

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