Ruth Yanai at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science 
and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) is recruiting students for the 2013 academic year.  
Preference will be given to those available to start with the 2013 summer field 
season in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Historically, ecosystem nutrient budgets have not included error propagation or 
reported confidence limits with estimates of elemental stocks and flows.  QUEST 
(Quantifying Uncertainty in Ecosystem Studies) is a research network devoted to 
promoting the development and application of uncertainty analysis.  We have 
made progress in the areas of forest biomass and stream loads and are also 
working on wet deposition and change in soil storage.  There are research 
opportunities associated with each of these areas.

In addition to the research projects with QUEST, there are opportunities for 
involvement in other projects associated with MELNHE (Multi-Element Limitation 
in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems) in the White Mountains.  MELNHE sites are 
located at Bartlett Experimental Forest, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, and 
Jeffers Brook (USFS).

Background in ecology, statistics, and programming would be valuable assets.  
Funding will consist of a combination of research and teaching assistantships 
(ability to TA in a General Chemistry lab would be a plus).  Please review the 
websites above and contact Heather Engelman at<> if you are interested in 

While preference will be given to those with the experience listed above, 
anyone with a sincere interest in the projects is encouraged to apply.

Heather Engelman
Research Analyst, Forest Ecology Laboratory
Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
B9 Marshall Hall (Mailing:  105 Marshall Hall)
1 Forestry Dr
Syracuse, NY 13210
phone: 315.470.4868 fax: 315.470.4917 email:<>

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