Insect-Microbe Symbioses and Evolution
Graduate Student Opportunity at University of California at Merced

The Bennett Laboratory in the Life and Environmental Sciences Unit at the 
University of California, Merced is seeking an exceptional Ph.D. student. The 
student will participate in on-going and emerging areas of research related to 
insect-microbial symbioses and evolution. The student can develop an original 
research project or push forward projects that are already established in the 
group. Preference will be given to an applicant with B.Sc. or M.Sc. in 
microbiology, entomology, evolution, or genetics.

Areas of active research in the Bennett lab include, but are not limited to:
1)    Comparative genomics and molecular evolution of bacterial symbioses in 
sap-feeding insects.
2)    Insect-microbe cellular and metabolic maintenance and integration.
3)    The role of insect microbiomes in shaping endemic Hawaiian insect 

Student support will include full tuition waiver, stipend, and Teaching 
Assistantship. To indicate your interest, please send 1) a cover letter with a 
brief description of past experience and reasons for interest in the position, 
2) a curriculum vitae, and 3) contact information of three references to Gordon 
Bennett at More information about this position and research 
in the Bennett lab is currently available at Bennett Lab Website 

Official applications 
( for 
graduate education in the Quantitative and Environmental Systems Groups at UC 
Merced ( should be submitted to the Graduate Division 
before the deadline of January 15, 2018. Applicants are also encouraged to 
apply for university-wide fellowship programs 
( for which they are 
eligible, most of which are due on or before January 15, 2018.

The University of California, Merced is centrally located with easy access to 
the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yosemite National Park, the San Francisco Bay 
Area, and the California coastline. The Bennett lab also maintains active 
research projects in the Hawaiian Archipelago, offering exceptional 
opportunities for natural ecosystems.

U.C. Merced is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong 
institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, 
staff and students.


1.LES =
2.Official applications =
3.University-wide fellowship programs =
4. Current Bennett Lab Website =

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