An International Symposium on Global Change Research 2013: Coupled Natural &
Human Systems
June 18-20, 2013
Nanjing, China

The Earth is entering into a new era of Anthropocene, which faces climate
change, ecosystem degradation, loss of biodiversity, and many other
environmental issues. To confront this grand challenge, we bring
international leading scientists from relevant field and discuss
• Human-environment interactions
• Global change ecology
• Ecosystem-atmosphere interactions
• Remote sensing of global change
• Ecosystem modeling
• Climatic adaptation
• Ecosystem services, evaluation, and policy making

Invited keynote speakers (confirmed):
• Pedro Sanchez: Columbia University, USA
• Thomas Spies, Oregon State University
• Bojie Fu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
• Guoxiong Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Call for Abstracts: Submit abstracts by 31 May 2013
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited on the above topics
and should be submitted to the contact below.

Conference Language: English

Scientific Committee: Jianwu Tang (Co-Chair), Jingfeng Xiao (Co-Chair), Ge
Sun, Yaoqi Zhang,Yongqiang Liu, Peilei Fan, Yiqi Luo, Zhiqiu Gao, Xuhui Lee,
and Jiquan Chen

Organizer: The International Center for Ecology, Meteorology, and
Environment (ICEME), Nanjing University of Information Science and
Technology (NUIST)

Contact: Dr. Fangmin Zhang (Chair, Organization Committee),, office: (1) 416-9463058, fax: (1) 416-9463058.
Dr. Tingting Shi (Secretary),, office: (86) 025-58699957,
cell phone: (86)15295746527.

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