Introduction to R for biologists (IRFB02) biologists-irfb02/
This course will be delivered by Dr. Olivier Gauthier in Glasgow city centre form the 29th October - 1st November 2018. Course overview: The course will consist of a series of 8 modules each lasting roughly half a day, and designed to build required skills for subsequent modules and more advanced courses. At its conclusion, participants will have acquired basic skills in coding with R, and will be able to perform and interpret various analyses commonly seen in biology, ecology and evolutionary biology as well as be able to critically evaluate similar analyses from the scientific literature and technical reports. Monday 28th 1. Data visualisation using ggplot2 2. Packages, names, data types 3. Read, write, access, manipulate data Tuesday 29th 1. Scripts and projects 2. Probability distributions, parameter estimation, confidence intervals 3. Null hypothesis testing Wednesday 30th 1. Control statements 2. Writing R Functions 3. Simple linear regression Thursday 1st 1. Multiple linear regression (Estimation of model parameters, Ordinary and standardized regression coefficients, Multicollinearity, Hypothesis testing) 2. Model and variable selection Email Check out our sister sites, (Ecology and Life Sciences) (Bioinformatics and data science) (Behaviour and cognition) 1. October 1st – 5th TIME SERIES MODELS FOR ECOLOGISTS (TSME02) Glasgow, Dr Andrew Parnell tsme02/ 2. October 1st – 5th 2018 INTRODUCTION TO LINUX WORKFLOWS FOR BIOLOGISTS (IBUL03) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Martin Jones biologists-ibul03/ 3. October 8th – 12th 2018 INTRODUCTION TO FREQUENTIST AND BAYESIAN MIXED (HIERARCHICAL) MODELS (IFBM01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr Andrew Parnell mixed-models-ifbm01/ 4. October 15th – 19th 2018 APPLIED BAYESIAN MODELLING FOR ECOLOGISTS AND EPIDEMIOLOGISTS (ABME04) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Matt Denwood, Emma Howard epidemiologists-abme04/ 5. October 23rd – 25th 2018 INTRODUCTIUON TO R (This is a private ‘in-house’ course) London, England, Dr William Hoppitt 6. October 29th – November 2nd 2018 INTRODCUTION TO R AND STATISTICS FOR BIOLOGISTS (IRFB02) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Olivier Gauthier biologists-irfb02/ 7. October 29th – November 2nd 2018 INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS FOR DNA AND RNA SEQUENCE ANALYSIS (IBDR01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr Malachi Griffith, Dr. Obi Griffith genome-and-transcriptome-data-to-clinical-interpretation-pmbi01/ 8. November 5th – 8th 2018 PHYLOGENETIC COMPARATIVE METHODS FOR STUDYING DIVERSIFICATION AND PHENOTYPIC EVOLUTION (PCME01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou studying-diversification-and-phenotypic-evolution-pcme01/ 9. November 19th – 23rd 2018 STRUCTUAL EQUATION MODELLING FOR ECOLOGISTS AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTS (SEMR02) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Jonathan Lefcheck ecologists-and-evolutionary-biologists-semr02/ 10. November 26th – 30th 2018 FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY FROM ORGANISM TO ECOSYSTEM: THEORY AND COMPUTATION (FEER01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Francesco de Bello, Dr. Lars Götzenberger, Dr. Carlos Carmona ecosystem-theory-and-computation-feer01/ 11. December 3rd – 7th 2018 INTRODUCTION TO BAYESIAN DATA ANALYSIS FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES USING R AND STAN (BDRS01) Glasgow, Dr. Mark Andrews for-social-and-behavioural-sciences-using-r-and-stan-bdrs01/ 12. January 21st – 25th 2019 STATISTICAL MODELLING OF TIME-TO-EVENT DATA USING SURVIVAL ANALYSIS: AN INTRODUCTION FOR ANIMAL BEHAVIOURISTS, ECOLOGISTS AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTS (TTED01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Will Hoppitt data-using-survival-analysis-tted01/ 13. January 21st – 25th 2019 ADVANCING IN STATISTICAL MODELLING USING R (ADVR08) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Luc Bussiere, Dr. Tom Houslay advr08/ 14. January 28th– February 1st 2019 AQUATIC ACOUSTIC TELEMETRY DATA ANALYSIS AND SURVEY DESIGN Glasgow, Scotland, VEMCO staff and affiliates analysis-atda01/ 15. 4th – 8th February 2019 DESIGNING RELIABLE AND EFFICIENT EXPERIMENTS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES (DRES01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Daniel Lakens experiments-for-social-sciences-dres01/ 16. February 11th – 15th 2019 REPRODUCIBLE DATA SCIEDNCE FOR POPULATION GENETICS Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Thibaut Jombart, Dr. Zhain Kamvar population-genetics-rdpg02/ 17. 25th February – 1st March 2019 MOVEMENT ECOLOGY (MOVE02) Margam Discovery Centre, Wales, Dr. Luca Borger, Prof. Ronny Wilson, Dr Jonathan Potts 18. March 4th – 8th 2019 BIOACUSTIC DATA ANALYSIS Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Paul Howden-Leach survey-design-and-data-analysis-biac01/ 19. March 11th – 15th 2019 ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELLING USING R (ENMR03) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Neftali Sillero enmr03/ 20. MARCH 18th – 22nd 2019 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS AND R FOR EVERYONE (IRFE01) Crete, Greece, Dr Aristides (Aris) Moustakas anyone-irfe01/ 21. March 25th – 29th 2019 LANDSCAPE GENETIC/GENOMIC DATA ANALYSIS USING R (LNDG03) Glasgow, Scotland, Prof. Rodney Dyer lndg03/ 22. A pril 1st – 5th 2019 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL MODELLING FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS USING R (IPSY01) Glasgow, Scotland, Dr. Dale Barr, Dr Luc Bussierre psychologists-ipsy02/ 23. April 8th – 12th MACHINE LEARNING Glasgow Scotland, Dr Aristides (Aris) Moustakas -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR statistics 2018 publications - Alternative routes to piscivory: Contrasting growth trajectories in brown trout (Salmo trutta) ecotypes exhibiting contrasting life history strategies. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI to follow Phenotypic and resource use partitioning amongst sympatric lacustrine brown trout, Salmo trutta. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. DOI 10.1093/biolinnean/bly032 6 Hope Park Crescent Edinburgh EH8 9NA +44 (0) 7966500340