Branchpoints in Carbon and Water Flows through Boreal Forests

At least nine positions for postdocs or Ph.D. students are available to study 
ecosystem function in boreal forests in 2016 and 2017.. We have recently 
received five years of funding from the prestigious Wallenberg Foundation 
 to study branchpoints (BPs) in forest carbon and water budgets using 
natural-abundance stable isotopes. We will focus on: (BP1) the partitioning of 
water fluxes between leaf transpiration and surface evaporation and between 
evapotranspiration and streamflow; (BP2) photosynthetic water-use efficiency, 
mesophyll conductance, and gross primary productivity; (BP3) the partitioning 
between photosynthetic carboxylation and oxygenation using isotopomers; (BP4) 
the partitioning of electrons between cytochrome oxidase and the alternative 
oxidase; and (BP5) partitioning of carbon between above- and below-ground 
processes. These analyses will be constrained by synthetic (S) work packages 
including: (S1) eddy covariance measurements of carbon and water fluxes, (S2) 
isotopic testing and parameterization of models of carbon and water fluxes, and 
(S3) eddy covariance of stable carbon isotopes to partition carbon fluxes. All 
BPs were chosen based on the quality, ease, and recent appearance of 
cutting-edge isotopic techniques to measure them. Each BP tests an important 
hypothesis in its own right, but it also provides a means of linking individual 
BPs into integrated descriptions of ecosystem function.

The candidates will work at the Swedish Agricultural University in beautiful 
Umeå, Sweden and at established field sites near Vindeln, Västerbotten. If you 
are interested, please choose your best scientific match from the involved 
people listed below. Send a C.V. listing relevant education and publications 
and a short motivation letter outlining demonstrated experience relevant to the 
work package of interest.

BP 1) Hjalmar Laudon (<>) and 
Niles Hasselquist (<>)
BP 2) John Marshall (
BP 3) Jurgen Schleucher (
BPs 4 and 5) Torgny Näsholm (
S1) Matthias Peichl (
S2) Annikki Mäkelä (<>)
S3) John Marshall (

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.

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