Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist in Forest Ecosystem Health

University of Minnesota

Description:  Full-time tenure track position (9 month, B-term appointment) 
with responsibilities
for research (40%) and as an Extension specialist (60%).  The position is in 
the Department of
Forest Resources on the St. Paul Campus.

• Ph.D. by the time of appointment
• demonstrated knowledge of and significant interest in forest and related 
ecosystem health and
its management via silviculture
• a broad and integrating perspective on addressing forest health issues and 
solving ecosystem
management problems under current and future environments potentially involving 
species, insects, diseases, natural disturbances and stress from human 
• experience and skill in designing and conducting research, including forest 
ecosystem health
monitoring and modeling
• a commitment to excellence in graduate advising; strong written communication 
skills, including
a demonstrated ability to publish in leading peer reviewed scientific journals 
and extension outlets;
• demonstrated translational communication skills for conveying research 
results and management
options and solutions;
• ability to synthesize and convey research findings and management information 
face-to-face, in
diverse publication formats and via appropriate communication/instructional 
technologies such as
the internet.
• At least one degree in forestry and substantial experience in silviculture 
and associated aspects
of forest ecosystem management is also required.

• Experience working with diverse audiences (such as natural resource 
professionals, landowners,
loggers and culturally diverse populations);
• excellent oral communications and presentation skills;
• experience with temperate or boreal forest conditions, and in securing 
research and outreach
• special expertise offering opportunities to link with campus strengths in 
areas such as forest
entomology, pathology, ecology, soils, wildlife, genetics, and resource 
management planning.

• Develop a nationally recognized research and Extension program on major 
issues and problems
in forest and related ecosystem health and its management with consideration 
given to a broad
range of state, regional and national problems. Research and adult education 
efforts should be
developed synergistically in cooperation with various client groups and in 
cooperation with
research faculty, Extension Specialists and forestry Extension Educators 
statewide and nationally.
The responsibility also includes seeking and securing outreach and research 
program funding.
• Contribute to advising and training of graduate students including those from 
diverse cultural
backgrounds in the above research and extension areas as appropriate.
• Collaborate with and provide disciplinary leadership and direction to 
programs and priority
setting for Extension programs and associated forestry Extension Educators as 
• Participate in faculty governance, and participate in, and where appropriate, 
provide leadership
to outreach activities of the department and college statewide.

Appointment:  Nine-month (B-term), tenure-track assistant professor 
appointment.  Startup
support will include 2 months of summer salary for the first two years.  Salary 
is commensurate
with experience and qualifications of the applicant.  Benefits include 
University faculty retirement;
group life, medical, and dental insurance plans; medical leave; and sabbatical 
and semester leave

Application:  Applicants must submit their application materials online at and include a 
cover letter
with a summary of extension/outreach and research interests and philosophy, a 
detailed resume, a
copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names and addresses of 
three individuals
who will serve as professional references. Applicants must also request letters 
of reference by
these three individuals be sent directly to the address below.

Review of applications will begin February 1, 2013 and continue until the 
position is filled.

Direct inquiries to:

Dr. Charles R. Blinn, Forest Ecosystem Health Position
Dept of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, 115 Green Hall, 1530 
Cleveland Avenue N.,
St. Paul, MN  55108
Ph: 612/624-3788
FAX: 612/625-5212

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