UMCES Appalachian Laboratory

We seek a creative, collaborative, and motivated person to promote our work in 
environmental science both to the community and to potential donors.  Based in 
MD and reporting to the Appalachian Laboratory (AL) Director, the successful 
candidate will 
split his or her duties among development, communications, and administration. 
About 50% 
time will be devoted to raise the visibility of the research and educational 
missions of AL 
and to lay initial groundwork for a long-term development effort. 

The appointee will support the UMCES Vice-President for Institutional 
Advancement to 
develop and implement a plan to identify and interact with potential 
philanthropic donors by 
organizing lab- and community-based events and through personal stewardship 
interactions. Working with the UMCES Communications Director, the successful 
will work with the faculty and staff at AL to create products for traditional 
and new media, 
including the AL website, that inform local, regional and national audiences 
about AL 
research and outreach.  Working with the AL Director, the successful candidate 
schedule activities and help create products that effectively and efficiently 
optimize use of 
the Director’s time for development and communication efforts. 

About 20% time will be devoted to assisting the AL Director with duties of 
managing the 
Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, which is a partnership 
federal agencies and academic institutions.  About 30% time will be devoted to 
the AL administration team with routine administrative management duties

The ideal candidate will have a demonstrable background and experience in 
fields that 
require strong written and oral communications skills, preferably with 
experience in 
communicating and translating environmental science to non-science audiences, 
complex topics such as climate change, wildlife habitat, and air and water 
Experience in developing donor prospects and stewarding donors is desirable.  
appointee should be comfortable interacting with the public individually and in 
groups and 
should also be able to understand and communicate well with scientists. The 
must also be willing to “chip in” as a teamwork member, sharing 
responsibilities of the AL 

To apply, please submit a resume, samples of communication products, and a 
cover letter 
that describes your background and interest in the position. Names of three 
references are requested, but will not be contacted in the first round of 
Applications should be submitted by email as a single pdf file containing all 
elements (although separate files of communication products are allowable if 
not conducive 
to integrating into a single pdf) and emailed to:  

Review of applicants will begin on May 1, 2015.  A competitive remuneration 
package is 
available.  The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science is an 
Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Individuals with disabilities, 
veterans, women, and 
minorities are encouraged to apply.

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