The University of Montana Forest Ecology lab
( is hiring field technicians
for summer of 2016.  Work will occur throughout western Montana in managed
and natural forests—primarily on the Kootenai and Flathead National Forests.
The position will include a 20-25 day remote backcountry trip into the Bob
Marshall Wilderness. Technicians will be working on various research
projects looking at forest stand structure and development; wildlife species
response to management; and effects of forest stand structure on snow
dynamics. Duties will involve plot installation, (re)measurement of forest
overstory and understory, assessment of snowshoe hare abundance, tree
mortality surveys, and fuels transects in a variety of forests. The crew
will work with investigators from the University of Montana and the
Wilderness Society.

Duration: Late May through August, with potential to work into September and
October. The non-wilderness schedule is four, ten-hour days per week. 

Salary: $8.50 to $15.00 per hour depending on experience. Housing is not

Qualifications: Previous experience collecting vegetation/wildlife data,
working effectively and safely as a team in challenging environments, and
following complex data collection protocols is required. Good physical
condition with backcountry experience is required and critical for success
in this position. Candidates should be able to demonstrate problem solving
skills and be able to work independently or in small groups. Work will
include moving through rough terrain with heavy gear. Applicants with
Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder certification are preferred. 

Apply: To apply assemble into a single PDF file and email to : (1) a one-page cover letter describing your
reason for applying, specific dates of availability including any potential
mid-summer absences, your qualifications and any relevant coursework; (2) a
resume or CV no longer than 2 pages; (3) contact information (name, phone,
and email) for at least two references with firsthand knowledge of your work
experience (no need to send letters). Hiring preference will be give to
applications received by March 1, 2016.  Hiring decisions will be made by
the end of March. Exceptional candidates will be selected earlier. 

For more information please contact Eryn Schneider
( or David Wright ( )

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