Adelphi University invites applications for a tenure-track position for an organismal physiologist to begin fall 2017. Our Biology Department is an active, engaging and collegial department spanning all areas of biology. The ideal candidate for this position will have a Ph.D., postdoctoral experience, excellent potential as a teacher, a record of significant research accomplishment, the potential to develop a fundable independent research program involving undergraduate and master’s students, and an abiding commitment to teaching students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate physiology, human anatomy & physiology and could include courses such as animal behavior, pathophysiology for nursing students, introductory biology, and/or additional specialty courses for upper-level undergraduates and master’s students in the candidate’s area of expertise. Research release time is available.
We are strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. Adelphi is a private university with the spirit of a liberal arts college, committed to combining teaching and scholarship, and located in suburban Long Island within easy reach of New York City. Deadline for applications: November 15, 2016. Please direct questions to: Dr. Aaren Freeman ( For more information about the department, visit For detailed application information, please visit