*Biotic interactions in the tropics: challenges for restoration and
conservation in the Anthropocene  *

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
10:00AM Eastern
Join Here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9004776321694638851

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When ecosystems are lost or transformed, not only is biodiversity
simplified or displaced, but key interactions that modulate ecosystem
structure and function are also affected.   Therefore, restoration and
conservation must have a complete view of the ecosystems to ensure their

This webinar explores how biotic interactions influence the restoration of
natural tropical ecosystems. We examine how feeding interactions, such as
predation and frugivory, affect the carbon cycle in the soil-atmosphere and
in the trees. In addition, we will discuss changes in animal composition
that may induce changes in the spatial organization of tree cohorts and its
implication for restoration as a strategy for reviving and sustaining

Finally, we will explore how changes in animal composition (pollinators and
disperser) can be partially reversible if we develop functional ecosystem
restoration strategies.

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Mammal diversity influences the carbon cycle through trophic interactions
in the Amazon.

Mar Sobral Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305,
Center of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, CNRS, Montpellier, 34293,
Department of Zoology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de
Compostela, 15782, Spain

Biodiversity affects many ecosystem functions and services, including
carbon cycling and retention. While it is known that the efficiency of
carbon capture and biomass production by ecological communities increases
with species diversity, the role of vertebrate animals in the carbon cycle
remains undocumented. Here, we use an extensive dataset collected in a
high-diversity Amazonian system to parse out the relationship between
animal and plant species richness, feeding interactions, tree biomass and
carbon concentrations in soil. Mammal and tree species richness is
positively related to tree biomass and carbon concentration in soil—and the
relationship is mediated by organic remains produced by vertebrate feeding
events. Our research advances knowledge of the links between biodiversity
and carbon cycling and storage, supporting the view that whole community
complexity—including vertebrate richness and trophic interactions—drives
ecosystem function in tropical systems. Securing animal and plant diversity
while protecting landscape integrity will contribute to soil nutrient
content and carbon retention in the biosphere.

Defaunation increases the spatial clustering of lowland Western Amazonian
tree communities.

Robert Bagchi
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT, USA

Declines of large vertebrates in tropical forests may reduce dispersal of
tree species that rely on them, and the resulting undispersed seedlings
might suffer increased distance- and density-dependent mortality.
Consequently, extirpation of large vertebrates may alter the composition
and spatial structure of plant communities and impair ecosystem functions
like carbon storage. We analysed spatial patterns of tree recruitment
within six forest plots along a defaunation gradient in western Amazonia.
Defaunation increased the spatial aggregation of saplings of tree species
reliant on hunted dispersers. The increase in sapling clustering persisted
into older recruit cohorts, suggesting that hunting may initiate long-term
spatial reorganisation of Amazonian tree communities. The lack of increased
density-dependent thinning indicates that reduced dispersal did not
increase mortality of large-vertebrate dispersed tree species that
contribute disproportionately to forest biomass. We, therefore, caution
against the fait accompli acceptance of the prediction by recent modelling
studies that overhunting will precipitate a collapse in carbon
sequestration by tropical forests.

Ecosystem restoration strengthens pollination network resilience and

Christopher N. Kaiser-Bunbury

Ecological Networks, Department of Biology, TU Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt,

Restoration of native plant communities is one strategy to mitigate the
negative impacts of biodiversity loss, but there is little knowledge on
whether restoration has a positive effect on ecosystem functions. In this
study we monitored plant-pollinator interactions and pollination success
over a full tropical field season (8 months) and across eight isolated
mountaintop communities in the Seychelles, four of which had all exotic
shrubs removed, the other four remained unchanged. We showed that
restoration increased the number of pollinator species and native plan
productivity. Changes in pollinator behaviour resulted in increased
pollination, suggesting that the degradation of ecosystems through the
introduction of exotic species is at least partially reversible. We
proposed that the observed improvements to pollination may be in part due
to the removal of exotic plants making native plants more accessible to

Successional status, seed dispersal mode and overstorey species influence
tree regeneration in tropical rain-forest fragments in the Western Ghats,

Anand M. Osuri

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia

Natural regeneration of tree communities in tropical forests is governed by
several factors including abiotic conditions such as light and soil
nutrients and biotic processes such as seed dispersal by animals.
Anthropogenic disturbances such as forest fragmentation drive marked
changes in both abiotic environments and biotic processes, resulting in
altered and often diminished regeneration of forest trees in tropical
human-dominated landscapes. Drawing on our scientific research and
restoration efforts in India’s Western Ghats mountains, I will explore
ideas on: (1) animal seed dispersal and its significance alongside other
factors such as shade and soil for natural regeneration and recovery of
degraded tropical forests; and (2) the importance and potential limitations
of restoration as a strategy for reviving and sustaining forests with
old-growth tree species in human-dominated tropical landscapes.

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