Dear Colleagues,

We encourage you to consider nominating the great ecology teachers in your
life for the Eugene P. Odum Award for Excellence in Ecology Education. The
award, given by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), recognizes an
ecologist for outstanding work in ecology education and was generously
endowed by, and named for, the distinguished ecologist Eugene P. Odum.
Through teaching, outreach, and mentoring activities, recipients of this
award have demonstrated their ability to relate basic ecological principles
to human affairs. Nominations recognizing achievements in education at the
university, K–12, and public levels are all encouraged. ESA especially
encourages nominations of candidates from traditionally underrepresented
groups, including women and minorities.

Applications are due October 15th. Applicants not selected during their
first submission are retained and considered by the awards committee for up
to three years.

For more information on this award, and others from the Ecological Society
of America, please see

Laurie Anderson (Laurel J. Anderson)
Professor of Botany/Microbiology
President of the Board of Directors of the Ecological Research as Education
Network (EREN)
Department of Botany/Microbiology
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015

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