Hello Eco-Log,

I'm Angus Chen from National Public Radio's Science Desk. I thought I would
canvass you for your stories.

We are looking for wonderful, surprising or brilliant stories of accidental
science for our YouTube channel, Skunk Bear
<https://www.youtube.com/user/NPRskunkbear>. It doesn't need to be
something historic like the discovery of penicillin, but fun or emotional
or otherwise important to you would be nice.

Also - if you have a story about clothes, along the same line. Can be a
study you heard of (like wearing a doctor's coat increases some cognitive
functions) or a personal story about an article of clothing or jewelry that
is really important or changed you, I'd like to hear about that too.

Email me at ac...@npr.org or here at angus.r.c...@gmail.com if anything
comes to mind!


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