Human dimensions of fire
A graduate research position is available at the M.S. or Ph.D. level to study 
human dimensions of fire 
management. The position will be located within the Institute of Agriculture 
and Natural Resources at 
the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in the labs of Dirac Twidwell and Craig 

Project description:
The goal of this project is to understand private landowner’s attitudes, 
knowledge, and behaviors 
related to juniper invasions in grasslands and the adoption of fire. A recent 
history of natural resource 
agency investments (via cost-share programs with private landowners) in 
Nebraska has led to a natural 
experiment that will compare the following cost-share approaches:
•       Cost-sharing mechanical removal without active attempts to increase 
fire adoption (Traditional 
cost-share model)
•       Cost-sharing mechanical removal with priority for voluntary agreement 
of cost-share recipients 
to use prescribed fire following initial agency investment 
•       Cost-sharing mechanical removal with the specific intent of increasing 
prescribed fire capabilities 
within a neighbor-help-neighbor prescribed burn association 
The student will use these cost-share approaches to develop and conduct surveys 
with previous cost-
share recipients to determine the reasons landowners have, or have not, 
followed up with control of 
juniper after initial agency investment. Surveys will also be sent to 
landowners within priority 
landscapes that did not receive cost-share support to determine if cost-share 
funding is having a 
broader impact and leading to adoption beyond a single individual recipient.

The successful candidate will be highly motivated, passionate about scientific 
inquiry, possess 
excellent writing and communication skills, and publish research in refereed 
scientific journals. 
Prospective M.S. students and Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply. 
Applicants must have a 
minimum of a 3.0 GPA and competitive GRE scores.

Contact and application information:
Students interested in this position should send a statement of interest with 
research qualifications 
and career goals, GPA and GRE scores, your most recent transcript (unofficial 
is fine) and a CV that 
includes contact information for three references (email preferred). Please 
send applications to Dirac 
Twidwell ( Funding is available to start immediately. 
Full funding is available 
at a stipend rate for $25,980 for Ph.D. students and $24,120 for M.S. students. 
Full tuition waiver and 
graduate student health benefits are provided at a reduced rate. Review of 
applications will begin June 
8, 2016, and continue until a qualified candidate is identified.

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