I seek a MS student to research the effects of prescribed burn frequency 
on nitrogen dynamics in the litter and soil of upland oak forests.  The 
forests, savannas and grasslands have been subjected to anthropogenic 
burning for thousands of years.  Changes in the fire regime may have 
important consequences for nitrogen dynamics of these relatively nutrient 
poor sites.  Because fire volatilizes N frequent burning could lead to 
reduced site N.  Conversely, fire exclusion and infrequent fire could 
result in increased site N.  Nitrogen dynamics and pools can have 
important consequences for competitive interactions among native and 
invasive species such as eastern redcedar.  There is growing interest 
using prescribed burning to manage forests, savannas and grasslands.  To 
insure effective and intelligent use of prescribed burning more 
information is needed about its effects on ecosystem processes such as 
nitrogen dynamics.  
The MS Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) stipend will be $15,500 per 
year.  The GRA will begin in January 2012 and will be renewed for two 
years provided satisfactory progress in the project.  GRAs are offered 
with tuition waivers.
Please contact:  Steve Hallgren, Oklahoma State University, 405-744-6805, 

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