Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium is seeking a postdoctoral
researcher with a background in marine science and toxicology. The post-doc
will work with the principal investigator to execute a three year research
project funded by GoMRI.  The successful candidate will be responsible for
working within a team to conduct a series of experiments designed to
evaluate the sub-lethal effects of oil and dispersants on the behavior and
survival of fish and invertebrate larvae indigenous to the Gulf of Mexico
(see research abstract at
 Responsibilities will include designing and executing experiments,
analyzing and reporting results and participation in outreach activities
related to the project.

Academic requirements and desirable skills: Applicants must have completed a
Ph.D. in toxicology, marine science, fishery science, aquatic ecology, or a
closely related field with experience relevant to the project topic. 
Candidates with backgrounds in toxicology, culturing and handling larvae of
marine organisms and histology are a plus.  Other desired skills include a
strong background in experimental design, good laboratory analytical skills
and knowledge of oil chemistry.    In addition, the candidate should
demonstrate the ability to complete projects on time, competence in
scientific writing and public speaking, and the ability to work
independently and within a research team.

Starting salary: $45,000 per annum.  Compensation includes paid vacation,
sick leave and full state benefits.
Closing Date: September 15, 2014
How to apply: Send your application consisting of a cover letter that
describes your interest and qualifications for the position, a resume, the
names and phone numbers of at least 3 professional references familiar with
your qualifications, and proof of completion of a Ph.D. (unofficial
transcripts are acceptable for application) to: Dr. Edward Chesney,
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, 8124 Highway 56, Chauvin, LA
70344, Tel. 985-851-2838, or preferably by e-mail to:
LUMCON is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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