MBI Undergraduate Capstone Conference

August 11-15, 2014

The MBI Capstone conference offers undergraduate student researchers in the mathematical biosciences an opportunity to present their work on the national stage.

This student-centered conference features:

• Recruitment fair for graduate studies

• Panels on jobs and graduate opportunities

• Keynotes from prominent Math Biologist

• Social event at the Columbus Zoo/Aquarium

• Talks and posters by student researchers

Deadline for applications: July 12, 2014

To apply visit <http://www.mbi.osu.edu/event?id=874>http://www.mbi.osu.edu/event?id=874

Mathematical Biosciences Institute

The Ohio State University

Jennings Hall 3rd Floor, 1735 Neil Ave.

Columbus, OH 43210 • 614-292-3648

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