Dr Daniel Reuman is recruiting into his lab in the University of Kansas Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The broad research goal of the lab is to mechanistically understand and predict the consequences of human impacts such as global warming on populations, communities, and ecosystems. We use quantitative tools and collaborate widely with field and laboratory workers to explain observations, confront theory with data, and make predictions. Example projects can be found at http://www.reumanlab.res.ku.edu/. Multiple postdoctoral positions with three or more years of funding are available, and at least one PhD position with five years of guaranteed funding is available. With these hires, Reuman seeks to form a group of researchers working in areas related to meta-population dynamics, population synchrony, and the effects of climate on synchrony. Several diverse opportunities exist to contribute to and take leadership roles in ongoing research directions under this general area, in collaboration with current lab members and a network of researchers in the USA and Europe, and to develop new directions.
We seek individuals who are demonstrably passionate about quantitative approaches to questions in population, community and landscape ecology that fit into the broad goals of the lab. A PhD or ABD in a related field is required for the postdocs. Researchers with backgrounds in life or physical sciences or computing or mathematics will be considered if they can demonstrate a driving motivation for both the quantitative approach and the biological questions of the lab. The University of Kansas (KU) is a major research university with special strength in ecology and evolutionary biology. The EEB department has >40 tenured and tenure-track faculty working in a wide variety of areas, with National Research Council and Chronicle of Higher Education rankings in the top 10 in the USA. KU is located in the town of Lawrence, Kansas, about 40 miles from Kansas City. Lawrence is a progressive and cosmopolitan university town of about 100,000 people, with vibrant art, music, and sports scenes. Lawrence was ranked among the top ten college towns in the country in 2012 by livability.com, beating, for instance, Ann Arbor, MI, and Austin, TX. For questions contact Dan Reuman at reu...@ku.edu. To apply for a postdoctoral position see http://employment.ku.edu/staff/1768BR, and please submit a CV, cover letter of up to two pages, and your best publication. To apply for a PhD position, start by contacting Reuman in ample time for a December 1 departmental application deadline. Initial review of postdoc applications has begun. Positions open until filled.