GIS In Ecology is pleased to announce the launch of its new online training 
course for biologists who wish to learn how to use geographic information 
systems (GIS) in their research, but who cannot afford to attend any of our 
regular in-person training courses. This short course, hosted on our new sister 
site, aims to provide a basic, but practical, introduction 
to using GIS in biological research, and is aimed at the complete beginner who 
needs a hand working out where to get started, or at those who have previously 
used commercial GIS software packages, such as ArcGIS, and who wish to learn 
how to use QGIS, the leading free, open source GIS software package.

It consists of just over three hours of on-demand videos split across three 
practical exercises (how to make your first map, how to create your own feature 
data layers and how to work with raster data layers) based around real 
biological examples, and we estimate it will take up to nine hours to complete 
(although some will complete it in a substantially shorter periods of time). 
The practical exercises in the course are based around those found in our book 
GIS For Biologists: A Practical Introduction For Undergraduates and cover the 
same content as you would be taught on the first day of our popular in-person 
course An Introduction To Using QGIS In Biological Research. A subscription to 
the videos costs US$30 and lasts for three months, giving you more than enough 
time to complete all three exercises (and indeed come back and do them again, 
if you so wish). You do have to purchase a copy of the book separately 
(although you could probably get away with just working from the videos), but 
this still represents a substantial saving on learning the same GIS skills on 
our in-person course (which would costs up to £295 in course fees, excluding 
associated travel and accommodation costs).

The software which is used for the course is QGIS, and we selected it for this 
online course because it is freely available, meaning that there is no 
additional cost for software licences for those who wish to learn how to use 
GIS in biological research. It is also the software package that we recommend 
novice biological GIS users start with. However, the skills that you learn can 
be easily transferred to other GIS software packages, including ArcGIS, the 
leading commercial one.

This course represents the start of a new phase in the development of GIS In 
Ecology, and we aim to make more of our training materials available online 
through over the next year or so. By doing this, we hope 
to further promote the use of GIS as an important tool for the modern-day 
biologist, no matter where in the world they are working, or what field they 
are working in.

GIS IN ECOLOGY - Providing Training, Advice And Consultancy On The Use Of GIS 
In Ecology

Web: Email:

Need to ask a question about using GIS? Try the GIS In Ecology Forum:

Books From GIS In Ecology Staff:

GIS For Biologists: A Practical Introduction For Undergraduates; RRP: £24.99
An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology; RRP: £44.99
An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology: Supplementary Workbook One - 
Creating Maps Of Species Distribution; RRP: £19:99

If you wish to purchase these books, visit:

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