New articles for Population Ecology (November 2008)

Seven new articles of Population Ecology were published at 'Online
First' last month.

(1) Taku Kadoya
Assessing functional connectivity using empirical data

(2) Jesus Pineda, Nathalie B. Reyns and Victoria R. Starczak
Complexity and simplification in understanding recruitment in benthic

(3) Takashi Noda
Metacommunity-level coexistence mechanisms in rocky intertidal sessile
assemblages based on a new empirical synthesis

(4) Takehisa Yamakita and Masahiro Nakaoka
Scale dependency in seagrass dynamics: how does the neighboring effect
vary with grain of observation?

(5) Hideyuki Doi
Spatial patterns of autochthonous and allochthonous resources in aquatic
food webs

(6) Zhiguang Liu, Meng Gao, Zizhen Li and Gaofeng Zhu
Synchrony of spatial populations: heterogeneous population dynamics and
reddened environmental noise

(7) Kohji Uraguchi, Kohji Yamamura and Takashi Saitoh
Estimating number of families for an urban fox population by using two
public data sets

The abstracts of these articles are available for everyone free of
charge at Online First. The full texts are available for the members of
the Society of Population Ecology and institutions registered with

* Population Ecology at Online First:

However, the articles (1)-(5) above are special feature articles
based on the Session I 'Beyond "open system": approaches to understand
whole ecological systems' in the symposium in October 2007. These
articles will be published together as 'Special Feature: Spatial
connenctivity and scaling for populations and communities' in the next
issue (51-1) to be published next month.

Population Ecology is an English scientific journal published by the
Society of Population Ecology four times a year. It enjoys a high
international reputation and has a long history of over 40 years. All
manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by two referees, and the final
editorial decision is made by the Chief Editor based on the referees'
evaluations. The articles are abstracted/indexed in BIOSIS, Current
Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Environmental
Periodicals Bibliography (EPB).

Population Ecology welcomes submissions of papers by non-members. To
submit your manuscript to Population Ecology, go to

We look forward to your subscription and submission.

Editorial Office
Population Ecology

Chief Editor  Takashi Saitoh
Field Science Center
Hokkaido University, Japan

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