Dear colleagues, My co-authors and I are pleased to announce that our latest article about humpback dolphins has been published in the Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (JMBA).
Díaz López, B., Grandcourt, E., Methion, S., Das, H., Bugla, I., Al Hameli, M., Al Hameri, H., Abdulla, M; Al Blooshi, A; Al Dhaheri, S. (2017). The distribution, abundance and group dynamics of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0025315417001205 Abstract: The Arabian Gulf is one of the most heavily impacted water bodies raising serious concerns about the conservation status of many marine species. A limited coastal range and near-shore distribution make Indian Ocean humpback dolphins particularly vulnerable to mortality and traumatic injuries from heavy maritime traffic and gill-netting practices. Prior to the present study, no research had focused on the ecology of this species in the Arabian Gulf, despite the potential for human impacts. The mark–recapture method of photo-identification, undertaken during 55 boat-based surveys conducted between 2014 and 2015, was used to assess the occurrence, abundance and use of habitat of this endangered species along the coast of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE). In all, 368 h and 6703 km of observation were carried out over a period of 5 months, and 54 encounters were made with humpback dolphins. The group size ranged from 1 to 24 individuals and group composition showed that 79% of the observed dolphins were adults. Abundance estimates were calculated and fitted with open population models. A review of all available data indicates that the studied population is the largest reported in the world with 701 (95% CI ¼ 473–845) individuals. While their occurrence within Abu Dhabi near-shore waters is frequent, the survey area appears to be only a part of a much larger home range for this humpback dolphin population. The observation of multiple threats derived from anthropogenic activities increases our concerns regarding the conservation of this important dolphin population. You can access the article at: DOI: If you cannot download the publication, you can request a pdf by emailing to: Best wishes, Bruno Díaz López Chief biologist and Director The Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI Avenida Beiramar 192, O Grove 36980, Pontevedra, Spain 0034 605 52 1441 This email is confidential to the intended recipient(s) and the contents may be legally privileged or contain proprietary and private informations. It is intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not an intended recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this email. If received in error, please notify the sender and delete the message from your system immediately. Please note that neither the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI nor the sender accept any responsibility for any viruses and it is your responsibility to scan the email and the attachments (if any). Thank you for your cooperation.