Hello all,

I am pleased to share the references of two new publications that have come out 
of the Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes course in 2013. The articles are the 
product of the independent projects that students are required to do as part of 
the two week course.

Canestraro, B., R. C. Moran & E. Watkins. 2014. Reproductive and physiological 
ecology of climbing and terrestrial Polybotrya (Dryopteridaceae) at the La 
Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. International Journal of Plant Sciences 
175(4): 432-441. [doi 10.1086/675575]

Choo, T. Y. S., F. B. Matos & R. C. Moran. 2014. The gametophytes and young 
sporophytes of Elaphoglossum decursivum (Dryopteridaceae) in Costa Rica. 
American Fern Journal 104: 49-57.

Let me know if you are interested in reading them and I will send you the pdf.

If you are interested in what the course has to offer students please follow 
the link below


The course will be offered in 2015. The application deadline is September 16, 


Andrés Santana
Graduate Education Department
Organization for Tropical Studies
San Pedro, Costa Rica. 676-2050
(506) 2524-0607 ext. 1511
Skype: andres.santana_otscro
twitter: @ots_tropicaledu<https://twitter.com/ots_tropicaledu>

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