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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: National Whistleblower Center <>

Dear Erik,

Thank you for all of your support. It was due to your vocal support that we
won the Grand Prize in the Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge and are now able
to advance our campaign for wildlife whistleblowers. You may be interested
in attending a free webinar our Executive Director is presenting next
Thursday, November 17th. Please see below for more information and how to
register. Attendance is free, and a recording will be made available for
those who register but cannot participate.

If you know anyone who may be interested in protecting wildlife please pass
this on to them as well.

Paul Lyons Outreach Coordinator National Whistleblower Center

P.S. Please also consider supporting the National Whistleblower Center
We are anticipating entering a period of extreme hostility toward
whistleblowers. We need your support
now more than ever. Thank you. Follow us on twitter @StopFraud
to join the discussion. #BecauseOfWhistleblowers #GivingTuesday.

*WEBINAR: Whistleblowers on Illegal Wildlife Trade*
Presented by Stephen M. Kohn (National Whistleblower Center)
*Date*: 17 Nov. 2016   |   *Time*: 9:00 EST / New York

There is a strong global movement to combat wildlife trafficking and
protect endangered species from overexploitation and, ultimately,
extinction. *Aichi Biodiversity Target Twelve*
 focuses on preventing the extinction of known threatened species and
improving their conservation status. Whistleblowers play a key role as the
most important source of information regarding fraud and corruption, and
they can also play a game-changing role in combatting wildlife trafficking.

This webinar will explore how whistleblowers around the world can report
wildlife crime and receive monetary awards under two US legal instruments,
the Lacey Act and the Endangered Species Act. These acts provide monetary
incentives to persons who disclose information about wildlife crimes. In
every arena where they have been properly implemented, these successful
whistleblower reward laws has been profound in strengthening the ability of
the government to detect and prosecute wildlife crime. In total,
whistleblower reward laws worldwide have resulted in over $50 billion in
fines and penalties and over $3.5 billion in compensation to
whistleblowers. Whistleblower reward laws can now be leveraged in the fight
against international wildlife crime. Join us to learn more.

*Stephen M. Kohn* is the Executive Director of the National Whistleblower
Center and serves as the Chair of the Whistleblowers Leadership Council. He
has represented whistleblowers for over 30 years, establishing numerous
precedents strengthening whistleblower rights. Mr. Kohn worked extensively
with the U.S. Congress in drafting key whistleblower laws, including
protections contained in the Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank, and Whistleblower
Protection Enhancement Acts. In 1985, he wrote the first book on
whistleblower law. His eighth book on whistleblowing is The Whistleblower’s
Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What’s Right and Protecting
Yourself (Lyons Press, 3d rev. printing 2013). He also authored the
ground-breaking article, Monetary Rewards for Wildlife Whistleblowers: A
Game-Changer in Wildlife Trafficking Detection and Deterrence,
Environmental Law Reporter, 46 E.L.R. 54 (Jan. 2016). (Photo:

*Registration is simple -* *Click here*
*.* You will be redirected to a registration page and prompted to enter
your first name, last name and email. Go-To-Webinar will then send you a
personalized link to access the classroom. You must retain this code and
use it each to access the webinar. What if you cannot make the webinar? Do
not worry – each webinar is recorded. A weblink to access
the recording will be sent by email, two days after the lecture. We look
forward to learning with you!



The *NBSAP Forum*
 is global partnership to support the development and implementation of
effective National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). It is
hosted by the *Secretariat of Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)*
the *United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)*
the *United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)*


*Contact Us*

If you have queries about the *NBSAP Forum*
or the
revision of your country's NBSAP, please contact the NBSAP Forum Moderator,
Christina Supples at **
<>. Alternately, to reach the NBSAP Forum Host
Partners, contact ** <>.



 [image: Follow us @StopFraud]

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