We have an outstanding list of confirmed speakers and contributors (below)
and there are only 30 places remaining so please register soon for the first

Gordon Research Conference on Predator-Prey Interactions

5-10 January, 2014; Ventura, California


The theme of this inaugural conference is

From Genes to Ecosystems to Human Mental Health

Liana Zanette (Chair, Western U), Andy Sih (Vice-Chair, UC Davis)

Gordon Conferences are recognized as the “world's premier scientific
conferences”, where 150-200 leading investigators from across the globe meet
biennially for a full week of intense discussion of the frontier research in
their field.

To register please visit: www.grc.org/application.aspx?id=16779

The goal of the Predator-Prey Interactions Gordon Research Conference is to
explore the unique insights to be gained from an interdisciplinary focus on
phenomena specific to predator-prey interactions, and our list of confirmed
speakers and contributors accordingly includes ecologists, evolutionary
biologist, neuroscientists, physiologists, developmental biologists and
human psychologists.
The structure of the meeting aims to foster as much dialogue as possible in
order to facilitate as many new collaborations as possible, that are sure to
lead to new synergies and new avenues of research.
Please visit our updated website that includes details on registration,
organization and the confirmed speakers.  Please spread the word about this
exciting new conference among your colleagues and please also encourage
post-docs and students to attend.  Our primary objective is to ensure that
every attendee is an active participant. 


Establishing an Interdisciplinary Approach to Predator-Prey Interactions
Larry Dill (Discussion leader) 
Oswald Schmitz, David Diamond

The Neurobiology of Predator-Induced Fear
Phillip Zoladz (Discussion leader)
Joel Brown, Newton Canteras, Ajai Vyas, Jacqueline Blundell

Inducible Morphological Defences
Peter Eklöv (Discussion leader)
Rick Relyea, Ralph Tollrian

Predators as Stressors: Integrating Human and Animal Models
Jay Schulkin (Discussion leader)
Michael Clinchy, Michael Sheriff, Vivette Glover, Rachel Yehuda

Fear Effects on Population- and Ecosystem-Level Processes
Barbara Peckarsky (Discussion leader)
Scott Creel, Dror Hawlena

Learning, Unlearning and Communicating Fear
Ken Lukowiak (Discussion leader)
Maud Ferrari, Dan Blumstein, Robert Magrath, Peter Banks

Predators, Prey and Plants: Does Fear Make the World Green?
Evan Preisser (Discussion leader)
Geoffrey Trussell, Mark Boyce

Restoring the Balance Between Predators and Prey
James Estes (Discussion leader)
Craig Packer, Michael Heithaus, Bodil Elmhagen, David Macdonald

Evolutionary Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions
Andrew Beckerman (Discussion leader)
Johanna Mappes, Andy Sih


Zvika Abramsky, Brad Anholt, Joy Anogwih, Tiffany Armenta, Erica Baken,
Adalbert Balog, Brandon Barton, Melissa Bateson, Lutz Becks, Peter
Bednekoff, Jodi Berg, James Biardi, Leon Blaustein, Sonny Bleicher, Rudy
Boonstra, Stan Boutin, Justin Brashares, Tomas Brodin, Grant Brown, Joseph
Bump, Alline Campos, Lauren Chaby, Anna Chalfoun, Simon Chamaille, Michael
Cherry, Douglas Chivers, David Christianson, Rulon Clark, Alan Covich, Adam
Crane, Will Cresswell, Chris Darimont, John DeLong, Christopher Dickman, Ian
Donohue, Sean Ehlman, Cady Etheredge, Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, Joseph
Fontaine, Adam Ford, Alexander Forde, Daniel Fortin, Anke Frank, Tiffany
Garcia, Grant Gilchrist, James Gilliam, Jarl Giske, Blaine Griffen, Daniel
Gruner, Lars-Anders Hansson, James Harwood, Gustav Hellstrom, Andrew
Higginson, Mark Hixon, Thomas Hossie, Emily Jones, Francis Juanes, Sara
Kaiser, Ryan Kindermann, Michel Kohl, Burt Kotler, Billy Krimmel, Joseph
LaManna, David Lank, Jessica Laskowski, John Laundré, Sophia Lavergne,
Steven Litvin, Robert Lonsinger, Barney Luttbeg, Ross Macleod, Dan MacNulty,
Elizabeth Madin, Peter Mahoney, Katie McGhee, Evelyn Merrill, Lindsey
Messinger, Jennie Miller, Rupshi Mitra, Andrea Morehouse, Chiara
Morosinotto, Dennis Murray, Rahmat Naddafi, Thomas Newsome, Tobin
Northfield, Maria Ocasio-Torres, John Orrock, Juan Oteyza, Marinde Out, Paul
Paquet, Scott Peacor, Blake Pellman, Sinthya Penn, Rolf Peterson, Nicholas
Pilfold, Lauren Pinter, Catharine Pritchard, Laura Prugh, Jennifer Rehage,
Pamela Reynolds, April Ridlon, Euan Ritchie, Gary Roemer, Bernard Roitberg,
Adam Rosenblatt, Timothy Roth, Lauren Sallan, Stuart Sandin, Ken Schmidt,
Rebecca Selden, Vahan Serobyan, Robert Serrouya, Jonathan Shurin, Michael
Sitvarin, David Skelly, Justine Smith, Theodore Stankowich, Adrian Stier,
Justin Suraci, Aimee Tallian, Maria Thaker, Jennifer Thaler, Sarah Thomsen,
Robert Thomson, Strahan Tucker, Abi Vanak, Sacha Vignieri, Kevina Vulinec,
Aaron Wagner, Robert Warner, Wolfgang Weisser, Shawn Wilder, Terrie
Williams, Christopher Wilmers

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