Dear Ecologists and Ecotoxicologists,

We are interested in concentrations of temephos and pyriproxifen that might 
accrue in water bodies near agricultural fields. We assume that during rains, 
ponds at the bottom of watersheds would accumulate high concentrations.  If you 
are aware of studies that measure these concentrations in aquatic habitats, I’d 
be happy to learn about it.

Many thanks,

Leon Blaustein

Director, Kadas Green Roofs Ecology Center
Head, Community Ecology Laboratory
Institute of Evolution and Department of Evolutionary & Environmental Biology
Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Haifa 
199 Abba Hushi Rd, Haifa, 3498838, Israel
Tel. 972-4-8240736 (office); 972-4-9998881 (home)
Cell: 054-268-8290; Institute Fax:  972-4-8246554

Chief Editor, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution;

"He [Rabin] knew that those who starve peace, feed extremism." 
-Shimon Peres speaking at Rabin commemoration 7 Nov 09

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