The Houlahan Lab is looking for a Ph. D. student with very strong quantitative skills and an interest in answering fundamental ecological questions that can be addressed with multi-year, -site, -species datasets. All applicants should have some experience in ONE of GLMM's, Bayesian modeling, machine learning and/or structural equation models and a commitment to learning more. It would be an advantage to have some experience programming in R or Python (I have some experience in R but am happy to learn from somebody who can use Python).

Our lab focuses on using large datasets to address fundamental ecological questions and whole-system pond experiments to address both applied and fundamental ecological questions. We have addressed questions related to interspecific competition and diversity-stability relationships but are happy to discuss any interesting projects.

We would be just as happy with a computer science or math student with an interest in ecology as an ecology student with interests in computer science math or statistics. An M.Sc. is preferable but exceptionally strong students without an M. Sc. will be considered.

UNB Saint John is one of two campuses associated with the University of New Brunswick. The Biology department is small but dynamic with ~ 50 graduate students and strengths in marine ecology and eco-toxicology. The Houlahan lab is part of the Canadian Rivers Institute and the successful candidate would have access to the CRI state-of-the art laboratory facilities.

Interested candidates should contact Jeff Houlahan (<>

Jeff Houlahan

Dept of Biology

100 Tucker Park Road

Saint John, NB

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