Job announcement (Kiel University)
PhD position
NEW deadline: 31.01.2017
The Department of Landscape Ecology at Kiel University is one of six
partners in the pan-European BiodivERsA Project IMAGINE “Integrative
management of green infrastructures multifunctionality, ecosystem integrity
and ecosystem services: From assessment to regulation in socio-ecological
systems”. For this project we are seeking an outstanding and highly
motivated student to work on the three main topics of this project: (i)
Capacity matrix assessment of ecosystem services in structured landscapes;
(ii) quantification of ecosystem services on green infrastructure habitat
attributes; (iii) modelling and mapping of ecosystem service and disservice
supply. IMAGINE aims at quantifying the multiple functions, ecosystem
services and benefits provided by Green Infrastructures (GI) in different
contexts from rural to urban and at providing guidelines and ready-to-use
methods for an integrative management of GI multifunctionality. The project
will be carried out in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Benjamin Burkhard
at Hannover University.
The position will include the further development of land-cover-based ES
capacity matrices, conducting field work on arthropod sampling and
identification as well as ES/EDS quantification in Germany, Belgium and
France, digitizing and analysing landscapes, ES/EDS modelling supervising
undergraduate students, analysing data and writing papers.
As such, we are looking for candidates with a sound knowledge of the
ecosystem service concept, very good field skills, strong quantitative
skills and modelling experience. Because the project is part of an
international research consortium the ability to communicate in English as
well as the willingness to travel and work abroad is essential.
Minimum qualifications required:
•       Candidates must have obtained their M.Sc. in ecology, biology,
environmental science, agricultural science or a related field by the
appointment start date
•       Fluency in German and English is essential
•       Statistical and programming skills - preferably in R - are essential
•       Familiarity with GIS, especially landscape analyses
•       Demonstrated writing skills in English
•       Very good identification skills for at least one relevant arthropod 
•       Candidates must demonstrate the ability to work well independently and 
part of a team
•       driving licence class B
Additional Qualifications
•       Familiarity with habitat mapping, plant and insect identification and 
The appointment is until January 31st 2020, to begin as soon as possible.
Compensation according to public tariff (65 % E 13 TV-L).
Kiel University is an equal opportunity employer and aims to increase the
number of women in research and teaching. Applications by women are
particularly welcome, and, in cases of equal aptitude, ability and
professional performance, preference in hiring will be given to women.
The University supports the employment of disabled persons. Persons with
disabilities will, with appropriate qualifications and aptitudes, be
employed preferentially.
Applications by people with a migration background are particularly welcomed
To Apply: Applications should be send by email to with subject “PhD position IMAGINE”.
Applications should include a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, a list
of publications (if available), copies of certificates, and the names and
addresses of two individuals able to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications
for the position. All documents (except certificates) should be written in
English and merged into a single pdf file. Please refrain from submitting
application photos.
The application deadline is January 31st, 2017. Starting date is March 1st,
Inquiries may be addressed to Prof. Dr. Tim Diekötter

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