These are Ph.D. positions (NOT postdocs as stated earlier, sorry)

GERMNAY Ph.D. positions in Evolution and Ecology 

(please apply to the contacts mentioned below only)

Five Ph.D. positions are available at the University of Tübingen within a 
multidisciplinary graduate school coordinated by the interdepartmental 
Evolution and Ecology Forum Tübingen ( 
The positions are available for an initial period of two years, starting 
between October 1st, 2010 and March 1st, 2011. A third year will be 
granted after an evaluation of the progress made in the first two years.
The programme is entitled 'Morphological variability of organisms under
environmental stress' and bridges between disciplines and across spatial 
and temporal scales. The overarching question deals with the evolution and 
ecological consequences of morphological variability under environmental 
stress, with special emphasis on the symmetry of organisms. The project 
includes also a coordinated teaching programme.

The focus of the five subprojects is as follows:

1) Morphological variability and symmetry of foraminiferal shells in 
response to rapid environmental change
Contact: Prof. Dr. Michal Kučera; Micropaleontology; Dept. of Geosciences

2) Systematic deviation from bilateral symmetry in modern and fossil
clypeasteroid sea urchins
Contact: Prof. Dr. James Nebelsick; Invertebrate Paleontology & 
Paleoclimatology; Dept.of Geosciences,

3) Morphological variability and symmetry in plants in response to subtle 
and steep environmental gradients
Contact: Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger; Plant Ecology; Dept. of Biology

4) The role of stress proteins in determining morphological variability in 
snails under temperature stress
Contact: Prof. Dr. Heinz-R. Köhler; Animal Ecophysiology; Dept. of Biology

5) Molecular analysis of factors determining fluctuating asymmetry in 
Contact: Prof. Dr. Klaus Harter; Plant Physiology; Dept. of Biology

Questions regarding the specific subprojects should be addressed to the 
respective contact person.
Candidates should hold a Diploma or M.Sc. Degree in a relevant subject 
(e.g. Biology, Gecosciences). Candidates should send the following 
documents via Email to the respective contact person for each project (see 
above) by September 15, 2010 (project 2 only) and October 15, 2010 (other 
1) Statement of interest; 2) Curriculum Vitae; 3) Name & address (email) 
of two references.

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