*​PhD Assistantship in Agricultural Sustainability and Ecosystem Service,
School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida *

The Qiu Lab at the University of Florida is seeking a prospective PhD
student with strong motivation and enthusiasm about graduate research to
study agricultural sustainability and ecosystem services at the landscape
scales. The student will integrate biophysical modeling, field observation,
landscape analysis and data synthesis to understand consequences of global
drivers of change (e.g., climate change, urban development, land
management) and their interactions for ecosystem services and human
wellbeing in agriculture-dominated landscapes, explore pathways of building
social-ecological resilience, and examine tradeoffs and synergies among
biodiversity, multiple ecosystem services and social outcomes. The student
will be primarily working with Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu on these research
directions, but is welcome to develop other novel projects. There will also
be opportunities to collaborate with other researchers and scientists
working at the same geographic sites. ​

Research in the Qiu Lab of “Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Science” (
http://jiangxiaoqiu.weebly.com/) broadly falls into landscape ecology,
ecosystem service, global change ecology, conservation biology, and
sustainability science. Research from the lab is highly interdisciplinary
and uses approaches combining biophysical modeling, landscape analysis,
remote sensing, field observation and experiment, data synthesis, and
social sciences. The overarching goal is to understand and predict how
global environmental changes alter ecosystems and biodiversity across a
range of spatial and temporal scales, and their consequences for ecosystem
services. Current research in the lab encompasses: (1) climate and land-use
change effects on ecosystem services; (2) sustainable and ecological
intensification of agriculture; (3) climate extremes, coastal resilience,
and costal ecosystem services; (4) biological invasions and biodiversity
effects on ecosystem services; (6) functional role of ecosystem services in
supporting human well-being. The Qiu Lab is in the School of Forest
Resources and Conservation, and based at Fort Lauderdale Research and
Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University
of Florida.

Candidates with interest and/or experience in ecosystem service,
sustainability science, agroecology, landscape ecology, conservation are
encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with ecological
research experience, strong writing and quantitative (e.g., statistics,
geospatial analysis) skills, experience with modeling and field work, and
familiarity with agricultural systems especially rangelands.

Interested students are encouraged to contact Jiangxiao Qiu (q...@ufl.edu)
in advance by sending a current CV with GPA, GRE and TOEFL (for non-native
English speaker only), a list of three academic references who are willing
to write letters of recommendation on your behalf, and a brief statement
describing your research interests and experience as a single PDF.
Anticipated starting date will be *Spring or Fall Semester 2018*.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their application materials as soon as
possible to ensure full consideration. The successful candidate will be
offered a competitive stipend, a tuition waiver, and a travel budget for
attending conferences.

For more information, please visit website (http://jiangxiaoqiu.weebly.com)
and departmental webpage (http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/). Please feel free to
email Jiangxiao if there are questions about the opportunities and
applications. I look forward to hearing from you!

**Jiangxiao Qiu will be at the ESA meeting in Portland, OR from 7-11
August, 2017, and would be happy to talk to potential applicants.
Interested individuals can set up a time to meet or talk with him during
the conference.

Best wishes,

Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu
Assistant Professor of Landscape Ecology
School of Forest Resources & Conservation
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center/IFAS
University of Florida
Email: q...@ufl.edu
Phone: (954) 577-6337
3205 College Ave, Davie, FL 33314
Website: http://jiangxiaoqiu.weebly.com/

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