Graduate assistantships are available for two MS or Ph.D. positions in the 
research group of Haldre 
Rogers in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Iowa 
State University 
( Our lab focuses on community ecology, 
evolution, and conservation 
in altered ecosystems. We tend to address questions that can both advance basic 
ecological or 
evolutionary knowledge and contribute to conservation goals. Our current 
research projects focus on 
seed dispersal, bird-arthropod food web dynamics, novel ecosystems, impacts of 
species extinctions, 
and invasive species (see for more 

I am looking for one student interested in developing their own project, and 
one student interested in 
working on a grant-funded project assessing whether non-native species can 
confer resilience to 
disrupted ecosystems through mutualistic interactions (see below). While much 
of the lab’s work takes 
place in the Mariana Islands through the Ecology of Bird Loss project 
(, I 
expect students to develop their own research questions, and find the most 
appropriate place to test 
their questions- this may be in the Mariana Islands, but it could be anywhere 
else in the world. I will 
be accepting students through the inter-departmental Ecology and Evolutionary 
Biology (EEB) graduate 
program ( 

Grant-funded position for Fall 2016 start: I am looking for one MS or PhD 
student interested in 
studying the role of non-native seed dispersers in the Mariana Islands. These 
species, including feral 
pigs and rats, are typically thought of as highly detrimental invasives in 
island ecosystems, but in the 
bird-less forests of Guam, they may be performing a unique role as seed 
dispersers. This student 
would develop a project assessing the contribution of non-native pigs and rats 
to seed dispersal of 
native tree species. The student will be funded through a research 
assistantship for four semesters, 
and will be expected to TA for the remainder of their degree. 

Applicants must have prior independent research experience in ecology and/or 
evolutionary biology, 
and some exposure to statistics. Prior computer programming (e.g. R) experience 
is beneficial. 

Interested students should check out my website ( for 
more information. If 
you’re still interested, please contact me via email ( In 
your email, briefly describe 
your research interests, career goals, why my lab would be a good fit for you, 
and the names of three 
references. Indicate whether you are interested in a MS or PhD, and which of 
the two positions you are 
most interested. Please include an updated CV. 

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