PhD student opportunity in burying beetle ecology

Funding is available in Luttbeg lab at Oklahoma State University ( for a Ph.D. student to
study how the presence and abundance of the endangered American burying
beetle (*Nicrophorus americanus*) is affected by biotic and abiotic
factors. Additional potential projects include studying the reproductive
and parental behavior of congener burying beetles found in sympatry with
the American burying beetle or other related projects proposed by the

The position will be part of multi-lab collaboration on burying beetle
ecology and management. The project will require extended periods in the
field and working in a team of scientists. The successful candidate will
have strong quantitative skills in either statistics or modeling. The
position has three years of 1 semester and summer support, research money,
and teaching assistantships are also available. Applicants should send a
cover letter and a CV to Dr. Barney Luttbeg ( as well
as apply to the degree program ( Email me if you
have any questions.

**Applications are due January 25, 2013**

Dr. Barney Luttbeg
Oklahoma State University
Department of Zoology
421 Life Sciences West
(405) 744-1717

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